Property Protection Tips-How To Secure Your Home

Instances of homes being broken into, either by thieves and burglars, or by rapists looking to find an easy mark, are not as frequent as crime on the streets. However, such things do happen with alarming regularity, which is why it is absolutely vital that you protect your home and other property. This article will give you all the information required for property protection.

How To Protect Your Home

\"home Alarm\"

1. Alarms and Security Systems: This is by far the most popular way to protect your property. Here's what you should know about house alarms and security systems:

o Buy the best home security systems that you can afford. Many people fill their homes with valuable objects but skimp when it comes to their alarm systems; perhaps because they think they live in a safe neighborhood and are protected from house burglaries. However, no home is 100% burglar proof, which is why you need to invest in a quality home alarm.

o Always keep your security system turned on; yes, even if you are at home. Even a state-of-the-art house alarm will do you no good if it is off.

o Do not tell people the nitty-gritty's of your alarm system, or even what type it is. A potential burglar can easily get this information and then find out how to override your security system.

o Ensure that your security system is updated regularly and is in proper working condition.

o If your home alarm system breaks down, have it repaired at once.

2. Outside Your Home:

o Make sure you do not have tall bushes or hedges where a thief or burglar can hide. Keep your bushes trimmed, preferably lower than waist level.

o Ensure that the outside of your home is illuminated properly. Dark shadows make for excellent covers for thieves, which is why you should have adequate lighting outside your home. Remember to turn on the lights after nightfall, or better yet, have them on an automatic timer.

o If possible, try and use motion detector lights instead of the standard lights. In addition to providing the required illumination, these lights can also keep track of unwanted movement.

o Check all the outdoor lights periodically to see that no bulbs or tubes are broken. If you do find any, replace them immediately.

o Do not keep a ladder outside your house, or anything that can be used by a thief to gain access to upper stories.

o Keep your garage door locked, as well as the doors to any other outdoor buildings such as a shed, a utility barn etc.

Miscellaneous Property Protection Tips

o Have double locks on all your doors and deadbolts on doors and windows.

o If any window or door has a broken lock, make sure you repair it immediately. Do not be lazy and leave the repair work for another day. It should be top most on your to-do list.

o Ensure that your door has a safety chain. Choose a thick and strong chain that cannot be kicked in easily. However, do not rely only on the safety chain for protection. Make sure you have solid locks as well.

o When opening the door to a stranger, ensure that the safety chain is in place.

o Keep your windows closed in the evenings. If you like to keep them open for the fresh air, make sure the opening is not wide enough for anyone to crawl through it. Window grills are another option for those who prefer to keep their windows open.

o Never ever open the door to anyone that you do not know. Even if it is someone asking for help, or a utility repairman, or perhaps a delivery person, make sure you do not open the door for them. Check their ID cards before opening the door. Do not let delivery people enter your home for any reason whatsoever. If they want a glass of water or need to make a telephone call, get them a drink at the door as well as the phone. Make sure the door is locked when you go back inside.

o Do not give spare keys to friends or leave them in a hiding place that you consider 'safe'.

o Never keep valuable objects in plain sight or where they can be seen through the windows. Prospective thieves and burglars may be attracted to such valuables and may break into your home for them.

o For added property protection, you can choose to have a watchdog. If you do not want a real dog, you can have an electronic barking dog instead.

o Have a metal fence or gate around your property. In addition to being tougher than wooden ones, metal gates and fences are likely to make much more sound when opened or climbed over, thereby alerting you to the presence of an intruder on your property.

o If you are going on vacation and your home is likely to be unoccupied for a few days, do your best to make it look like someone is still at home. Cancel your newspaper delivery for the duration you will be away so that the stack of old newspapers on your door is not a giveaway that no one is home. Arm your security system in such a way that the outdoor lights come on every evening, as well as a few indoor ones.

o If you have lost or misplaced your house keys, do not get spares made but change all the locks immediately.

o Do not allow children to answer the door.

Thus, by making use of property protection products such as motion detectors, electronic barking dogs, voice alert alarms etc in addition to having a quality security system in your home, and by altering your behavior as shown above, you can protect your home and its occupants from harm.

Property Protection Tips-How To Secure Your Home

James Fenske

Visit : Home security essentials